Explore our full range of courses

Health & Social Care

Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes

There is an emerging global epidemic of diabetes. In the UK alone, 3.2 million people are diagnosed with the disease and an estimated 630,000 people have the condition but don’t know it.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates


Working with People with Mental Health Needs

Mental health presents one of the greatest challenges to our society. With an estimated 450 million people worldwide suffering from a mental health problem.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates


Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilites

Around 1.5 million people in the UK have a learning disability. An understanding of signs and symptoms of various conditions is essential for anyone working with individuals with learning disabilities.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Health & Social Care

Priniciples of Care Planning

Care workers play a key role in ensuring their residents/patients are treated with a friendly and caring approach. Care workers have the ability to relate to people from a variety of backgrounds. After an investigation from the Care Quality Commission revealed that 424 out of 1,357 services in England are rated ‘inadequate’, the need for…

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Health & Social Care

Falls Prevention Awareness

Falls represent the most frequent and serious type of accident in people aged 65 and over, with 10,000 falls happening each day. Falls often have both a physical and mental impact, as they can result in lack of confidence, isolation, fractures and broken bones. This course is ideal for anyone working in health and social…

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Health & Wellbeing

Understanding Nutrition and Health

The number of obese people in the UK has more than trebled in the last 25 years, reaching what many doctors believe to be ‘epidemic’ proportions.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Health & Social Care

Principles of Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Care Settings

About 300,000 patients develop an infection in England each year while being treated by the NHS. Protecting people from infection is an essential element of providing high-quality care.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Business Skills & Company Requirements

Information, Advice or Guidance

Offering clear and accurate information, advice or guidance and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally can greatly improve outcomes for a business.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Business Skills & Company Requirements

Equality and Diversity

Britain is a culturally diverse nation that respects and values the differences in people. Companies are legally required to follow a set of practices to ensure discrimination is eradicated.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Business Skills & Company Requirements

Principles of Customer Service

In order to have a truly successful business, you need to provide good customer service. It is believed that 96% of unhappy customers don’t ever complain; however, 91% of those simply leave and never come back.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Business Skills & Company Requirements

Principles of Business and Administration

There were an estimated 5.5 million private sector businesses in the UK at the start of 2016.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Health & Social Care

Customer Service for Health and Social Care Settings

All children and young people deserve to be safe and well cared for within a safe and protective family. However, unfortunately this is not always the case.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Catering & Hospitality

Cleaning Principles

With a UK industry turnover estimated at £4.7 billion in 2011, cleaning is one of the largest business sectors in the UK.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Business Skills & Company Requirements

Lean Organisation Management Techniques

A lean organisation provides the greatest customer value with the fewest resources, a philosophy increasingly important in today’s competitive business market.

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Health & Wellbeing

Common Health Conditions

Every hour, someone in the UK is told they have Parkinson’s disease, there are approximately 152,000 strokes in the UK every year (more than one every five minutes).

This course is fully funded for eligible candidates

Runway Training Modern Slavery Statement

Runway Apprenticeships Limited trading as Runway Training wishes its learners and commissioners to be confident in the knowledge that we operate a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, and we are working hard to ensure that these bad practises do not exist anywhere within our organisation or within in our supply chain.


190 High Street,
Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BE
Mayors Good work standard
B Corp
Living Wage Employer
European Social Fund
Mayor Of London
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