As an employer it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees have access to, and receive, immediate attention should they be injured or taken ill at work.
Having First Aid arrangements in your workplace can save lives and prevent small, minor injuries becoming major.
Assess your requirements
To ensure you have the relevant arrangement in place, you must consider the risks in your workplace. Every workplace is different and thus may need different requirements. If in doubt, we suggest you contact your local authority or health and safety consultant.
Some things to consider about your workplace and work force:
First Aiders and Training
When you have confirmed the number of First Aiders you require and allocated a person responsible for first-aid requirements (not necessarily your first aider), you must ensure First Aiders have relevant training by a competent training provider. Depending on the level of First Aid training deemed appropriate by your requirement assessment, this could be:
All employees should be made aware of First Aid arrangement in place and know who the appointed person is who takes charge of First Aid requirements and First Aid Training.
Equipment and Facilities
The minimum level of equipment is a First Aid box stocked appropriately for the number of staff and risks identified. Larger sites with more staff member are likely to require more than one.
First Aid boxes should be kept stocked with sufficient contents, kept in an easily accessible location. The boxes should be checked on a regular basis and restocked as appropriate.
If your requirement assessment identifies you need a First Aid room, this should be easily accessible and kept clean and tidy at all times. It must be large enough to hold relevant equipment and amenities, be adequately ventilated, heated and lit.
If you would like to discuss your First Aid training, please contact the team on 01732 402402 or email us [email protected]